
a javascript client library for working with the Graphite render api

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Graphite.js provides a consistent, flexible way to interact with the Graphite render api. It has no external dependencies.

Getting started

Graphite.js has a chainable api, with a special url method that returns a url corresponding to the accumulated property values. The minimum useful url requires a target (metric) to graph. The Graphite host is assumed to be "/render", but no other properties are provided default values. Instead, your Graphite server's configuration specifies what defaults it will use in generating graphs.

    Graphite().url() == "/render";
    Graphite().targets(["some.key"]).url() == "/render?target=some.key";
              .url() == "";

Parameters can be initialized by providing a dictionary to the functor, or set by method chaining.

        from: "-2days",
        until: "now",
        height: "300",
        targets: ["some.key", "some.other.key"],
    // not recommended, but still works
    Graphite()({from: "-2days"})({height: "300"}).targets(["bad.ideas"])().url();

Method names match parameters in the Graphite api documentation, with the following exceptions:

  • host is added to provide customization of the graphite host location
  • target is not present, since graphite expects multiple values of target with multiple keys. Instead, targets is provided and expects an array of values for graph targets
  • url is a getter only that returns the url corresponding to the current internal state.

A complete list of valid parameters is in the source documentation. The Graphite object uses the closures with getter-setter methods pattern for all properties.

    var g = Graphite({
        host: "/render",
    }).host(""); == "";

However, it does no error checking. You are responsible for making sure you're passing legal values.

    Graphite().graphType("lolwut?").url() == "/render?graphType=lolwut?";
    Graphite().graphType("1337").url() == "/render?graphType=1337";


Graphite.js uses qunit to run the tests. Crack open your web browser of choice and load testRunner.html to get started.